Friday, November 20, 2009

Newest Litter Ready For Their New Home





Orange (Tonka)-Male

Red (Ruby Sue)-female

Thursday, July 23, 2009

where o where...

where is the cable to download the photos? as soon as I find it I'll upload them...sorry

Brand New Puppies born late 7/22 & early 7/23

Happy Birthday!!! Hooray! We welcomed 8 precious, healthy puppies into the world late last night and very early this morning. Here are some quick photos that we took once they were all cleaned up. Roxy-girl is such an awesome mommy, she's being very protective and taking wonderful care of her "new brood"!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

ROONEY (Maroon Boy) the only 1 left. He needs a home.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Only 1 left.

"Maroon (boy)" is very interested in the camera.
"Maroon" chasing my youngest son...

...and now he's caught him and apparently conquered too!
What a dirty nose, from playing in the back yard.
"Maroon" is such a sweet baby!

This is "Blue (boy)" he was too interested in the birds to look at the camera.
Look at that face....
I think "Blue" has been playing in the dirt with his brother!

Are you my new family?

Our Vizsla pups are growing so fast!!!

They're beginning to form their personalities and show some of their strengths. The puppies love to run, whether it's after a toy or after one of us! Climbing is also great fun for them, I guess it's some spin on "King of the Mountain". They also have great noses, you can't have a treat on you anywhere without being attacked. (with kisses, of course!)

Call us with any questions you may have. #(361)334-1205

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Roxy after a long night of birthing.

She did a great job, and is a wonderful momma!
...more pictures of Roxy & Beaux are on their way!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope everyone has a "Special Valentine" to snuggle up with tonight! If not we have 5 precious puppies left that would love to curl up on your lap and do just that!